Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Flowers in the night

There are ten thousand different ways to tell someone that you need them.
First, is to bring your courage to the grave. Second, drink up your coffee for you need those jitters, they help you sleep. Ten thousandly, there are ten thousand ways to question yourself but find that there are no other ways to do that in conclusion.

You see, I've tried it many times in my sleep --- without even myself knowing how much it meant for someone to come up and ask you about your day whilst I was awake. It's truly quite strange when someone looks at you like something's wrong - because indeed there is something wrong in your head and you cannot seem to pin point that very reason why. I guess that's why some people are pretty great, some people are pretty great at that.  They pretty much concur with you as long as there is something wrong, with you. I guess I have come to terms that people will only come to you when you are left with nothing; I don't think I will ever forget when you came to me with things you wanted to tell me about your life, and left faulting the days of my life.

Perhaps you are not that wrong after all. You convinced me that that there are ten thousand reasons for the ways, to change the way I see myself. There is always work to do - there are things to find - There are things to live for, the lost to seek. However it is strange that I lived for something that is nothing to do with me at all. But don't worry, I will always mark your words. I can't remember why I was so sure of it back then - I hope you can let me know when comes the day you remember your own words. I am sure of that, that it means nothing to me now.

Or at least; you mean nothing to me now.

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